Saturday, February 01, 2014

Meet Ras kimono's daughter,oge kimono men are so attracted to me she says.

Oge says that men find her irresistible due to her light complexion
and that could be a big temptation. But thanks to her dad's advice
which has helped get her out of trouble with the opposite sex.

"As a young lady you'll have men hitting on you all the time. I'm
light skinned and I attract a lot of traffic; guys just can't get
their eyes off me and I understand they are just human so I don't let
it go to my head. When guys make passes at me I hear Daddy's voice
come screaming from the background and I'm like 'okay Oge Kimono,
you've gotta watch yourself.'"

"Fortunately I've not encountered that.I think it could have a lot to
do with how you relate with people. When I meet producers for the
first time I try to make them my friends. I don't bore them with tales
of how I want to blow overnight in music.

"When they see desperation in you, thats when they come after you. I'm
not desperate for fame. I'm doing music because I love music; I've
never had that challenge."
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice of her prince said so