Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Married Actress revealed how she had to passionately kiss her cousin on Set.

In an interview on ETV's Late Night Celebrity Show on
February, the issue of kissing came up and that's when she revealed
she had kissed her cousin before.

According to her, she shouldn't have done it because they are related
but she had to because it's her job.

She said, "So far I've kissed two men passionately in movies, Fiifi
Coleman and my cousin Majid Michel."

She added that though she kissed him well, it wasn't real.

"The viewer sees it very real but to me, as much as it was very deep,
I felt nothing," she said.

She further disclosed that her husband is not bothered about her
kissing in movies.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.


Anonymous said...

So who's d married actress u talking bout? Abi I no read well!

Anonymous said...

Supremacy,go bak and read dis post well and tel me wat u think of dis writeup.d actress doesn't hav a name,u didn't tel us if it was a ghanian actress,and u didn't tel us d movie she did d worry,bloggin is ur hobby I get,bt one shld try to be passionate abt their hobbies since its something they enjoy doin.