Thursday, January 23, 2014

Social Media fashion police: Fashion disaster

The lady on white is Christabel Ekah ghanian actress,as for the white lady I don't know her and the third a reader sent to me.
So can an attempt to look sexy be more disastrous?? If u wanna wear pant and bra please do,what's with showing your bra completely inside a gown, is that supposed to be sexy? Who does that?
The other lady showing us poo anus..... Hello every normal human being has one, and a very clean one at that! Cover it gurl. For the white lady, I have to call doctor robert rey of 90210 because her silicon boobs are about to rupture,that dress is too tacky.....,or that supposed to be a couture? Lmao

Punishment: take 10 stroke of canes!

Who is the worst dressed? Feel free to give your own opinion.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.


abeeda said...

The first picture is the worst

Anonymous said...

Supremacy wat abt u posing wit only a pant,ur worse than them so shut ur trap,u know dat we shld dress properly yet u pose in an irresposible attire.kettle callin pot black

supremacydone said...

Hahahah my dear take a chill pill,that's not me babe,its just a radom pics on google.
Read web marketing tips for dummies,its says use uncommon avatars for attention. Woow it worked!!! I got urs either +ve or -ve attention.
Thanks for stopping by

Anonymous said...

@Supremacydone..hahaha girl but u hav got such a bad mouth nd I like lols
@anon 21:43 u shld shut ur trap too cos we dnt wnt idiots in dis blog so please get ur slimy self out of here..ewu toronto

" Amy becky"

Anonymous said...

The first is definitely the worst fashion disaster. As for the second, that's just fugly!
Lady Tsunade

Anonymous said...
